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Toby Gibbs

BSc (Hons), CMIEEM, CEnv

Toby is the founder of Logika Consultants. He is an environmental consultant and ecologist with more than 25 years’ experience, working on more than 75 projects, including highly complex environmental planning projects, both in the UK and internationally. 

He is an expert in providing strategic environmental advice to help clients navigate complicated environmental legislation and policy. Toby has also had key roles in the Environmental Impact Assessments of three major projects requiring a Development Consent Order (DCO). This includes leading the environmental work for the Heathrow Expansion (Runway 3) Project, a role that is currently ongoing. 

Toby is a recognised expert in the field of environmental assessment of aviation activities and has provided advice to more than 15 different aviation clients across four separate continents over the last 15 years. He is also a champion and early adopter of the role of embedding environment in development design and has been for the last 20 years. He was the author of the document ‘Design for Biodiversity’ published in 2003, an early member of English Partnerships Collaborative Design Forum and is a key member of the Heathrow Expansion Design Team. 

Prior to forming Logika, Toby led the Global Environmental Sciences Service Line at Wood. This was the most senior environmental sciences technical role at Wood, meaning that Toby was responsible for the technical output of over 1,700 environmental scientists.

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