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New LVIA Appointment


Logika Group is delighted to announce the appointment of Principal Consultant, Rob Mayers to our landscape team.

Rob is a Landscape planner with more than 10 years’ industry experience and has particular expertise in Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) and Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment (TVIA), across a range of projects and sectors in the UK.  He combines an ability to identify key issues through a practical, analytical approach with clear communication, delivering concise and accessible advice to clients.

Rob joins Technical Director, Allan Cox . Allan, who has a wealth of experience in the landscape profession, has been working with Logika since 2023 to help develop our landscape planning capability.

Changes to the existing landscape or townscape are often the most contentious element of new developments. With Rob and Allan’s extensive experience, we can help guide clients through the full cycle of development from initial site promotion or capacity studies, through EIA, to the formal submission of applications and supporting technical documents.  Our thorough landscape and visual analysis means that development is situated in the right part of a site, responds appropriately to local character and context, and provides a truly landscape-led approach to development. 

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