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Michael Shackshaft

BSC (Hons), MSc

Michael is an Associate Director of Ecology and joined the company in 2024.

Michael has 16 years of ecological consultancy experience specializing in ornithology, and spatial ecology but also has a broad understanding of terrestrial ecology survey methods and assessment including the delivery of Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) and Habitat Regulations assessments (HRA).   

Michael has experience across a broad range of sectors including energy (renewable, nuclear and distribution), airports, water, housing development and defence. Michael has managed and contributed to projects of varying scale, leading ornithology and ecological tasks and projects. This has included; managing ecology for large scale Development Consent Order (DCO) Projects; management of ecology and ornithology surveys for extensive overhead line refurbishment projects; and management and delivery of biodiversity and ornithology elements for terrestrial windfarms.

Michael has developed his skills in the delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) assessments using the Natural England Biodiversity Metric. He enjoys working through the early stages of the design phases with clients to ensure that BNG is at the forefront of design and considered throughout the process, be that on a small development or larger scale strategic planning for landowners. Michael is experienced in working in large multidisciplinary teams, working closely with clients and project teams to create client focused solutions to ornithology and ecology constraints and then leading stakeholder consultation with statutory bodies and LPAs to ensure agreement of designs, mitgation and projects.

Michael recently oversaw the ornithology delivery for two new windfarms in south Wales. Both Developments of National Significance (DNS), Michael was responsible for the planning, completion and assessment required for the development and was required to attend issue specific hearings, defending the approach to mitigation and describing how the developments met the Welsh Government requirements to achieve a Net Benefit for Biodiversity. Both schemes were approved in Spring/Summer 2024 and will begin construction in 2025.

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